According to research published by the University of Chicago Press, a premier publisher of high quality research, American college students are learning very little (Academically Adrift: Limited Learning on College Campuses, 2011).  So the question remains, "What the heck is going on?"  The answer is simple:

High school students learn in a manner that is passive and consequently develop few higher order skills that are necessary for success in college.  As a result, high school students go to college and fail miserably as demonstrated by an almost 50% dropout rate with most students taking an extra 2 years to earn a 4-year degree.  When students do graduate, they often lack the same skills that they lacked coming into college.  The reason for this is that colleges are a comprehensive educational experience that higher education professionals know includes both classroom education and activities for students outside of the classroom.  Most incoming college freshmen think, "If I do what I am asked to do like I did in high school, I will be as successful as I was in high school."  This is absolutely not the case nor is it students' fault.  Keep in mind, college is not about getting good grades although that is a part of it.  College is about preparing yourself for your career.  That preparation includes classes and other experiences.  Grades alone do not cut it!

American P-16 education has successfully presented students with opportunities to enhance their knowledge and understanding.  However, the P-16 educational system, like most systems across the globe has not supported the development of higher order skill sets. While most educators understand that content learning is a necessary part of a student's development, most appreciate the need for more opportunities to develop higher order skills.  The problem is that high schools, colleges, and universities simply do not have the time or resources to accomplish that.  So it is left to the students themselves to "close the gap."